
Know a nonprofit that could benefit from an online boost?

Twice a year, we pick a deserving nonprofit and work one-on-one with them to overhaul their entire website and online brand.


Having a strong online presence is important in our digital world, but keeping up with the most recent technology can be expensive and time consuming.

These hurdles can be especially high for nonprofits who are operating on a tight budget. We understand that pain.

That’s why every six months, we’ve committed to giving away a complete redesign, and website overhaul to a deserving nonprofit.

Give Back Dates

Benefits Include

  • A brand new website design
  • Responsive web layout (mobile optimized website)
  • Basic Search Engine Optimization (On-page SEO)
  • A full year of ongoing maintenance and support

Who can apply?

  • Organizations classified as 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charities by the Internal Revenue Service
  • Preference will be given to Non-profit organizations in the Sarasota Area

Submission process

  1. Applications will open every 6 months. Check our events calendar for more details about upcoming Give Back Campaigns. 
  2. When the application form is open, any eligible nonprofit is welcome to apply for our grand prize. We do give preference to nonprofits in our local market, but we will accept and review submissions from anywhere in the world. 
  3. The applications will be open for two weeks.
  4. After the application closes, the Clear Idea team will review each entry and vote on a winner.
  5. We will announce the winner on the Clear Idea blog and then work with the winner to build their new website.
  6. Rinse lather and repeat every six months.

Who should apply?

  • Established non-profits who are actively serving their community
  • Non-profit organizations that would benefit from an optimized online donation process
  • Non-profit organizations who are looking to increase their online visibility and receive guidance on how to optimize their online efforts
  • Up-and-coming non-profit organizations that would benefit from a more robust online image.
  • Basically, any non-profit looking for a stronger online presence should at least submit an application.  

Give Back Submissions

Submissions are now closed.